Dare To Dream

Christian Ministries Church Inc.


Helping You Grow in the
Knowledge of God and His Holiness
Women's Ministry

 Victory in the hands of Women was establish through a breakfast that God was the topic. The Pastor asked the ladies of what they thought of having a woman ministry. That was the day that the women ministry was born at Dear to Dream Christian Ministries Church.  It is a ministry that cares for the welfare of every woman including the young ladies who atttend and learn from the edlers through word and examples.  In this power ministry women acquir knowledge on how to improve their  relationships as daughters of God, as wives, mothers and/sisters. We comment to the word of God by stepping forward boldily by faith and  facing every challenge with assurens that God goes before us.


For the glory of God, this ministry is in it's 6th year and our focus is to teach woman how to maintain their spiritual life and their daily lives through the word of God. We have seen in recent years the spiritual maturity of our ladies and we have seen the testimony of trusitng the Lord. .

Services offered to Women: Bible Studies, One on One and/or Group Counseling, Special Events & Services for Women 

Women meet once a month and always includes a powerful word, great women and great food.  Hope to see you there with us one day. For information on the women call (845) 784 -4427 and leave a message accquiring information for next meeting date with your name and telephone number. 

Youth Ministry

Our Youth are the leaders of tomorrow and  with the way the world is today it is essential that they are giving the guidance they need to excel. Youth are the most powerful in their youth because they can go either way good for God or bad for this world. The youth are growing to be adults with many questions  and many mix feelings that the enemy likes to take advantage every chance he gets. Yet when given the tools of the word of God and the repents of our sins through Jesus Christ and baptized with the Holy Spirit the youth are a powerful source aganist the enemy and all its forces.  

We offer the following services for the growth of our Youth; Bible Studies, Special Youth Services & Events, Youth Outings, Counseling and meetings every two weeks. 

Youth meet to learn of the word of God as teenger. The opportunity to share with their peers the challenges they face; as well as  obtain guidance with biblical scriptures to promote positive thinking and decisions. 

Children's Ministry & Mommy and Me 

The Sprouting Disciples Children’s Ministry is a creative learning environment for children of all ages to partake in the study and understanding of the word of God. With knowledge of the word of God we are taught how to be and become better individuals. As Children of God it is easier to achieve this goal through childhood innocence. In teaching that innocence we at Dare to Dream encourage the Sprouting Disciple’s to put their best foot forward in everything they do. We build and develop leaders in all aspect of life such as; spiritual growth, mental, emotional and physical growth.

We show the young girls how to become young ladies by instilling a sense of independence but also maintaining the vision that God has placed before them. Our young boys are built to be young men. They are taught to respect, honor and love the word of God and also their parents, leaders and anyone they may meet in their walk through life.

Uniting with the community, we offer a variety of weekly and yearly services for the children including: Children's Bible Studies, Special Children's Service and Mommy & Me Outings.

“Mommy & Me” was designed for children of everyday busy parents. Its main purpose is to allow quality time between both the child and the parent. Each event or activity is started and ended with prayer, teaching our children to be thankful for the opportunity to spend time with one another. Children will often monitor the behavior of those they spend most time with, “Mommy & Me” we teach the children that God is the center of our family, and we teach the importance of putting God first. Spending time with our children makes them feel loved, valued, and important. It builds the relationship between parent and child, the child’s self-esteem and helps motivate them to be independent and to do the will of God. 

Join others who provide support each month by becoming a ministry partner.
Men's Ministry

Men of Valor is a ministry that promotes the Godly man to lead their calling and family with the direction of our Heavenly Father. Young men obtain the teaching from elders and listen to testimonies of the greatness of our Lord. Men of all ages learn how to become the men of valor and mighty warriors in battle. The men become aware in the Spiritual realm what scriptures to use during battle. Men have difficulties expressing themselves, so this gives all men the opportunity to share their life experiences and develop trust with their fellow brothers in Christ. 

This ministry develops the real man you was destin to be by the promises of our Lord that its writen in the Holy King James Bible. We come aganist what the world and society told us we suppose to be. Breaking  generational curses that imprisons the mind, and captivates God's calling for their life. Men develop a deep relationship with the Lord and learn how to enter into His presences with mercy, grace and love.